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btw, oblivion is a terrible example. they repeat textures and things as much as they can. its how they get to profess they have the most game per file size of anyone.

and although i agree that sony is using the audio as a huge push for blu ray, it is stupid to get all up in arms about it. they are using uncompressed audio cause they can with blu ray. i think its good that they are spending the time to make audio a big emphasis this gen. better music and voice acting = me happy. sony is upping the anti to make ms respond so the music wars will hopefully commence. not too mention that golem is mo cap acting in heavenly sword. best acting by a non human ever, i still cant believe what an amazing job they did with that.

my pillars of gaming: kh, naughty dog, insomniac, ssb, gow, ff

i officially boycott boycotts.  crap.