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Max King of the Wild said:
Squilliam said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Squilliam said:
Max King of the Wild said:

Oh dear can you please provide a link where someone said it was a second comming of fps. And I know people thought resistance would scxore higher than gears2 because of the drastic improvements but dont generalize by a few dumb ass' the majority of people didnt think that.


I don't have to provide a link if these are familiar to you:

"OMG 60 player online!"

"OMG 300 foot monsters!"

"OMG 8 player Coop in its own campaign"

"Gears of War 2 vs Resistance fall of man 2, which one will score higher on Metacritic" or "Prediction Resistance fall of Man 2 will have a higher metacritic than Gears of War 2"

If they aren't then I guess you have your own searching to do.


And yet all of those things have been praised by reviewers.... so.... I fail to see why people shouldn't have been excited for them.

I wasn't saying it was a bad game but its definately not living up to the inflated expectations it had before the reviews came in.

So therefore the irony rings true.

Yeah the expectations of the self proclaimed "sony king" come on guys. You 360 fanboys really need to quit generalizing the whole ps3 community because of people like megaman2 and crazzyman it's getting really fucking annoying.

Let me just generalize every 360 fan by burgles, RAZurrection, sharky, and ahcheg

If the only expectations I have seen are unreasonable ones, then I can only base my statements on just the unreasonable expectations which I have seen.

Obviously for someone who had reasonable or cautious expectations of X game it wouldn't apply to them.

Perhaps if people would pipe up with their "reasonable" expectations instead of being flooded with just the unreasonable ones then this debate could be avoided.

Btw I merely implied it was ironic, though I was actually a bit concerned that RFOM would get or even worse stay at 89% or lower metacritic but the fallout from it hasn't been as bad as I feared it could be.

