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Kamahl said: Well, I am a PS3 supporter and i do love it, but the reason i prefer it over the Wii is not graphics, i'm not saying i don't like the graphics, is definately something great but it isnt the main reason. Just to let this clear, I'd prefer a PS2 than a Wii, simply because the Wii has no games that i like except Wii sports, and just the tennis, i don't like the other sports. The day the Wii gets a good driving game like Gran Turismo, an amazing sandbox game like GTA, and other games like God of War, Resistance, motorstorm or anything like that, i might consider getting one. Because the controller alone isn't going to make me buy it.
the day one of those games is more fun than the simple demo game, "Wii Sports" AND the PS3 cuts its price in half, then ill CONSIDER buying one. just so you know, itll be very interesting what happens in the next year. the Wii may find itself with alot of those games.

A delayed game is good someday, a bad game is bad forever.