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I think this xmas has already been won if the past week or so are anything to go by. Wii selling like they were hot cakes in iceland and the 360 miles behind with the PS3 following closely beyond that.

Reason i think that is i have listened to the arguments from both camps and they both make a lot of sense. There are a lot of decent games out this holiday season, i think there are more 85%+ scores in a small time frame then i have seen before.
But before the last couple of weeks the most commen argument i heard was "PS3 has the best games line up this xmas". And in all honesty i agreed up until a week ago.
That has now changed. The 360 games that are out are actually better. Fallout 3 seems to have done better on 360. Far Cry 2 seems to have done better on 360 etc..meaning thus far the multi-platform games seem to have done slightly better on 360. Then we move onto console exclusive games such as Gears 2 and Resistance 2. I have not played either of them so i cannot say which is the best but in review terms right now Gears 2 is at 95% and Resistance 2 is at 88% and i think that will fall a lot because the places that have scored it 90%+ have been none of the main sites. Only IGN are notible and with so many putting in 80%+ scores i cant help but feel when the reviews start coming out everywhere for it then it will be nearer 85% then 95%.

So when you look at it you have for PS3 LittleBigPlanet and Resistance 2. All good games. But that i think is it. Nothing else is coming this holiday that is console exclusive to PS3. Where as the 360 has quite a big line up Fable II,Gears 2,Last Remnant, Command and Conquer 3, RacePro, Crash Bandicoot, Banjo and Kazooie, Left4Dead etc.. etc... There just seems to be a lot of games coming. Maybe not high profile games which everyone has been talking about but games that are made from A class developers such as Valve and Square Enix. Those games have the potential to do well.

Now all those things don't = 360 wins xmas. Far from it. But what they mean is if grandma happens to give you some cash for xmas there seem to be far more games out for the 360 to spend it on where as the PS3 seems to be lacking. The multi-platforms seem to do better on 360 (looks at Far Cry 2 and Bioshock sales).
So my view is that this holiday will confirm the Wii will never be caught and that the PS3 will fall further behind. Going into 2009 i can't see anything that could give the console the mega boost it would need to fight back. Killzone 2 won't do it. So the PS3 won't be out of it just it would be pretty hard.