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If you just want a gaming machine and the only thing you're worried about is the absolute best possible gaming experience (including online play), then you want a 360.

If you want a nearly as good gaming experience (online isn't quite to par) and are also interested in a media center and HD movie player, then you want a PS3.

IMO, with both systems you get what you pay for. The 360 is worth what you spend on it, but the PS3 is also worth what you spend on it at $100 more. If you buy everything you need for the 360 so that it has the same or close to the same features as the PS3, you're going to end up paying more than you would for a in terms of 'worth it', the PS3 has more value if you ask me. Then again, not everyone needs all the features that the PS3 comes with by default, which is why the packages that the 360 come in aren't that bad an idea. Take out a few features to lower the price. It all depends on what you're looking for.