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It wouldn't effect me at all, since before the PS3's introduction all kinds of 360 fanboy crap floated around. Rumour spreading of PS3s not being able to handle 1080p games to even PS3s burning down houses. Yes, it's amusingly pathetic but wouldn't have stopped me from keeping a 360 if it didn't break down on me, wouldn't have been as noisy and in some ways handicapped.

As I and fellow tech writers digged deep into the PS3's specs (especially regarding the Cell), it was funny to read so many technical perspectives and it was funny the 360 fans nearly always got it wrong, nomatter if they talked about Blu-Ray, the Cell processor, system bandwidth, RAM, etc, etc. As a tech writer it was quite amazing to me how some people were able to be 100% wrong all of the time while formulating what they state as being factual most of the time... What I disliked though, is if you correct many of them with the correct data they often become rude and start name calling...

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales