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steven787 said:
Nirvana_Nut85 said:
steven787 said:

 No, the place where he said that, where there is proof of any thing like that at all is that date.  The issue of New Solidarity - your quote - is the one I can find no proof of existence or McNamara's involvement.

That quote is in that article, he's clearly giving his opinion on depopulation, which he seems to be heavily in favour for.  You claim you can't find proof of the article then where did you get part of the article. If most people were aware of the methods they use today to depopulize the world they would be very disturbed, but thats a whole other conversation, so yah, please provide a link to where you found those comments.


This doesn't mean they want it.  Like I said, we are going to have it because of trade, communications, and travel improvements.  There is no stopping it. How is this a secret conspiracy and what does it have to do with what they do in their free time?

Here, let me make it easy for you to understand. it's not to improve trade, travel or communications. Any idiot with half a brain understands that. It seems like your going on what these groups websites state instead of their actions or words. It was considered a conspiracy for the longest time but now they are fully implementing it in plain view and unfortunately because it's too much shock for they average person, people like you will deny it when it shown to you as clear as day. Even the mainstream news is now reporting this, hell all you have to do is turn on your t.v

It's not about making life easier it about power for those behid the close doors who are pulling the strings.

So they were supporting breaking down trade barriers and setting up sometype of arbitration board... that is exactly what they are trying to achieve.  How is this a secret conspiracy and what does it have to do with what they do in their free time?

They aren't breaking down trade barriers. They already did that with N.A.F.T.A, they want to form a North American Union (like in Europe) with Canada, U.S, and Mexico. It isn't some type of arbitriton board. The President went without congress approval as well as the Canadian Prime minister without our approval and signed the peace in prosperity act which likterally outlines a North American Union. Hell that was mone of the main missions by the CFR to implement this. THe problem with this is that like in Europe which they almost passed and will next time around, is that there going to have a group of politicians and they will have a puppet President who will govern the region.



Yes I did, and none of them had a viable source... in fact all of them came off the same list of Conspiracy Theory quotes that has been debunked over and over again that is all over the internet. 

I don't see how video's of actual politicians in the E.U stating they want world government, giving references like actual quotes straight from Rockefellars own published memoirs, Alex Jones confronting David Gergen on Bohemien Grove where there's documented footage of these Elite practicing occult rituals to an idol, and you have debunked any of the quotes I provided.

You either make a statement, well there just globalists, or I can't find the article. The unfortunate thing about the New Soliditary article is that it is hard to find and I'm still looking for the whole thing (thats the only thing I'll give you). Besides that your argument is basically just your opinion with not really great references. 

Those quotes have not been debunked over and over again, it's just people like you who have a hard time coming to terms with reality and say, well thats not what they meant or he's just a globalist. I thank god the number of people like you who buy into the b.s is decreasing.



 So you actually heard the speech...  has it been deleted off the internet?

No it hasn't been deleted off the internet and I was sure that I provided a link. There are many links to the speech actually so here is one for you.



Now, your quoting one of the biggest freedom haters in the world.   He's warning US about the future.  He was disgusting dark spot on American Civil Liberties...  BTW, the quote was about the communists.

"In August 1956, the Elks Magazine published an article about the communist threat to America written by FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover. In it, Hoover stated: "Yet the individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists."

 Exactly, he was quoting the alleged communist threat to American. Their own director of the FBI  stating that, makes you think.



  Nobody's denying it; it's in everything, explain why it is bad.

The reason why world government is bad is because of they measure's there taking to set it up. Staging false flag terror attacks, designing the collapse of the economic and financial system, and literally trying to destroy from the inside any idependant free think nations. A one world government would take away nation soveriegnty and yes, they would establish it like a government except you would choose the leaders, the elite would. I could go on for hours of why it's bad :)

When you look at the people who are fronting this movement and you do your homework it's very easy to see what there true intentions are.

 conspiracy theory books and videos, not credible sources, Actually, I provided three sources, the first one you deleted because I proved it totally wrong.  The other two were links.  The second of those was a link to the debunking.

I don't recall you providing any links debunking any quotes. You gave a time magazine news source and that was about it. You didn't prove anything wrong with that just further helped my argument by stating that "he/'s just a globalist" which is your excuse for everything. PLus the only thing I delte is when something was responded to or if it was my answer, then I re-paste you comment and add my own.

 Actually it's being discussed in almost every field of academic, economic and political study.  It's being discussed around the dinner table as the US fights two wars, have a global financial crisis and eat off a table made in China or Sweden.

No globalization is a very loose term and inacurate in our current modern day situation. Unforrtunately people will believe everything they hear and deny anything that makes them feel uncomfotable. For example with the global financial criss. You had senators coming out and stating that they were going to threaten martial law and using fear tactics to make congress pass the bailout. I mean it's being used as a front by saying the global community which is what they've been using for the past few years and it has progressed to World Governance. not Globalization. Listen to what the people in power are actually saying like the video of Sarkozy and EU chief Barasso.

I explained credible but I'll reword it.  A primary source, a letter, speech, or article written by the person and secondary sources that are accepted for publication in an academic journal. Inaccurate quotes without a citation are not credible.  

You can bable on about credibility and innacuracy all you want but it's not helping your argument. I provide you proof on more thna one thing I brought up and you just say oh it's just globalization or their own private business or a think tank, when clearly it's not. I mean all your doing is bascially giving your opinion so please think before making "innacurate statements like these"

 What mass media are you watching.  Global issues are all over the place... you don't even know what Globalization or global government mean...   I remember explaining it in the first post.  It doesn't mean a traditional government like the US or even the UN, it's the culmination of all the interactions and treaties of sovereign nations. 

Well steve, you can regurgitate what the state on there websites but I'll actaully listen to their words. I know what globalization is, the basis of it and that they state it as their goal. As I told you before they've been doing that for a while, but if you listen to what is being said today it is way beyond that, but then again you'd probably make a ridiculous comment like "well as long as I have a 42" tv.

There is not going to be some global king, president, or council who wields an unconfederated autocratic power.   Do you really think that that is what it means?

Never said there would be a global king, there will be a global government in place that passes the policies and legislature that will affect all regions of the world and I disagree with that because I believe in maintaining national soveriegnty. The Eu promised they wouldn't have a President but if you recall the last issue that was voted down (only thanks to Ireland) would have gave that EU council the power to elect a President and have a ruling body make decisions for all of the E.U memebers. Most of the countries are willing to go ahead with it despite Ireland's objections. 

When you look a little further down the rabbit hole you'll be amazed at the reality that lies beneath.






" Rebellion Against Tyrants Is Obedience To God"