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Psh, this thread definitely needs a bump because of it's awesomeness.

I've been too lazy to post in threads, but I beat it a while ago, I loved it. The last battle gave me goosebumps in both english and japanese versions.

I'm so gonna pre-order that handbook, it looks awesome and it's fan-made, bumping the awesome up by 3 points.

I missed that whole bean thing, ol' Crayfish had to fill me in. I need to play it again, but because of my eagerness for the patch to come out, I was playing Earthbound and Mother 3 (In japanese) a bunch, and kinda burned myself out. So I have to take a break, because I've noticed I can't play for very long before I need a break.


Anyway, I'm working on Mother 1 right now. It's actually way more awesome then I remember. Even if I keep dying a bunch. (I must be doing something wrong, or going somewhere wrong)

The Mother 3 Fan Translation is done! Everyone go get it right now! (

Play Earthbound for the SNES ; ; Do it, it's awesome!

Proud participater of this year's Wii Secret Santa event! Hopefully you'll join the merriment next year!
Link below because I fail at embedding urls.