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Just wanted to take a second and thank everyone who actually took the time to read what I had to say and give a considered opinion irregardless of whether you agreed with anything I said or not. More than anything it's the high level of discussion on this site that keeps me coming back everyday.

I do feel, unfortunately, that ultimately despite it's success Miyamoto won't ever be happy with the end results of Wii Music. I feel it was dear to his heart and he'll be disappointed it wasn't more universally embraced.

Otherwise, I too doubt this will stop Wii any but I had this idea nagging in my mind and since my instincts have been pretty good so far thought I'd share this for discussion. Time will ultimately tell, but if there's one thing I learned from John Lucas it's that anyone can call something when it's apparent, but if you want to be taken seriously you have to be willing to put yourself out there a bit a call it even when no one else can see it.