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Youre comparing co-op with a multiplayer mode? Desperate no? Then I suppose Left 4 Dead is the worse game ever since its just zombies and more zombies over and over again? The comment for Resistance 2 was just a slight comment on the fact that the co-op still felt the same as other co-ops, in spite of the 8 player addition.

Every game is the sum of its parts and it shows in the reviews. If they were fanboy reviews, the site will lose its readers. They are clearly not.

This just reminds me back in the day when I was choosing between a 360 or waiting to get a PS3. Once I saw the trailers/reviews for Resistance 1/Gears 1, it was clear that Gears 1 was the game to have and it made my holiday console choice. Resistance 2 seems to have improved on the formula, but Gears 2 is going to come up trumps again.