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selnor said:
blazinhead89 said:
@Selnor. Killzone 2 is on new Hardware, Gurrila Games are now under Sony's Wing, Sony has Given internal help across the board to GG, From Insomniac, Naughty Dog etc, Killzone 2 is being Perfected as Much as is possible, And GG Are Using as much Horsepower as is possible from PS3 at this point in the console cycle (Not to say they are Maxing PS3 power limits, as Developers learn PS3 architecture even more, they may even discover something they can be done on PS3 that was thought impossible, or wasn't even thought of).
I Have heard from Numerous People playing the Multiplayer Beta , That the Graphics outstrip any Console game on the market now or before the end of the year. Also they Gameplay is absolutely amazing aswell, To use their words "It shits on any PS3/360 games graphics , And the Gameplay is even tighter than COD4's". Their words NOT Mine.
Keep in mind Single Player ALWAYS looks better than Multiplayer, so in Essence they are playing a stripped down Version of what the Single Player will be. All this with 3 Months to go. Killzone 2 is gonna be crazy. Roll on Febuary 09.

I'm hoping this game is win allround. I wanted the first to be awesome, it just wasnt. If KZ2 gets even close to the amazing hameplay of the Halo series I will be all over it. In terms of multiplayer I rate Cod 4 a 7. Halo 3 a 10. After playing Halo 3 online (especially the awesome new maps) COD4 is just well ok. You wont change my opinion on the graphics though. But I hope KZ2 finds enough gameplay advancements to gain for me an extra 3.5 points out of 10. Because 6.5 is what I'd give the first KZ after playing Halo 1 and 2 last gen.



I honestly don't know why you expect to like Killzone 2 at all. Halo 3 and COD4 have extremely different gameplay styles, and it looks like Killzone 2 is taking pages from what COD4 has done (and Team Fortress), not Halo 3.  If you didn't like COD4 much, I doubt Killzone 2 will be too different.