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In any normal context, you look at the title which reads, for you short-term memory folk (apparently a lot in here)

"Epic finds Gears 2 reviews humbling"

Now then, let's examine other scenarios. In fact we will use the top 5 from googling "a humbling experience"

"As for himself, Art credits the program to making him a better dad - more open and aware of his children's feelings and concerns. "It has been a humbling experience," he says candidly." -

The captain of Canada's gold-medal-winning world junior team and reigning Western Hockey League player of the year is just that: a humble rookie defenseman fighting for an NHL roster spot. - washington times

When he can do what he did -- attacking at the bottom of the climb up L'Alpe-d'Huez and winning the famed stage, and then coming out Saturday with the most important time trial of his career -- it's humbling. You think you know the sport. Then you see Carlos do what he did these past few weeks, and you wonder if that no-stress style is the way to go, a way that is historically not my style. 

The time spent at KU was a university education, survival training and crisis management all rolled into one. It taught me how to get along and be a part of the real world from which I had, till then, been largely protected. I left KU as a confident, independent and strong individual who was ready to take on any and every challenge that life brought forth. Most importantly, however, KU was a humbling experience! -

the 5th link is 12 different celebrity "humbling experiences"

Now I am not saying that being thankful is not a definition of 'humbled'.

I was merely, and might I point out quite facetiously, pointing out (as I've already explained) that the thread title had no context in which someone would iterate the humbled in the thankful sense.

Just as a little background for those of you who obviously don't know much about gears production team. They spokesman and designer of this game is Cliff Bleszinski. Cliffy B, as he is known, is a very raucous and prideful boaster. He comes off as being arrogant, and this shows a little bit in the gameplay. The game is a no-excuse chainsaw gut spiller with the gore of manhunt and manliness of bear cavalry:

The game is not a humble one, and one would most likely assume that the developers of this game are of the "FUCK-YEAH" variety. Of course that is a little bit of a stereotype because of Cliffy B





This was said of him by T_Bone_1976:


"CliffyB is like JP from Grandma's Boy.

"I'm gonna get robot legs."

And he kind of looks like Dane Cook.

And he is a giant douchebag."

on forums



the second pic is JP from grandmas boy. A character so full of himself he talks to people like a robot (because that is how smart he think he is :P) and dresses like Neo (the chosen one)

So now, take the context together.

Gears of war: incredibly boastful (not without reason) design team.
Humbling experience: With the "main definition" (yes that is a scientific term)  being to "feel insignificant, ashamed" honestly 99 out of 100 times it means to feel ashamed. And yes, that is very close to the actual percentage just by sampling internet sources with a rough estimate.
GeoW: unknown score with a "humbling" ability.

To me this title said:

"We were expecting to get a 99 or 100. We had a party and everything and we were really excited and we told everyone we knew about it. Now it got 80's and 90's in reviews and it put a real damper on the evening."

So, to re-iterate, you guys suck.