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Gamerace said:
@ noname & bardiverse - You both make valid points re: Sony/MS in this generation. You are probably right. Sony in particular with it's high price point is terribly posed to benefit from any softening of the Wii market. MS potentially could but they've show little talent in appealing to a mass audience.

Though if Apple were to throw it's hat into the ring; and I hope I don't sidetrack my own thread with this; a lull in Wii interest would be a perfect oppurtunity.

Likely Sports/Fit/Kart will carry Wii momentum long enough for Sports Resort but if average joe gamer just sees it as Wii Sports 2 and doesn't get that WSR has something called WM+ which actually does what he thought Sports was already doing (still following me?) then it won't get the necessary buzz factor to keep Wii as a 'must have' purchase.


Sony and MS are not well positionned to take over.

But high prices aren't necessary always an issue.

Last I checked the Ipod, IPhone or MacBook aren't exactly cheap compared to their competition............

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !