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forevercloud3000 I disagree. The orange box and fallout 3 have both had noticable problems on PS3. Framerate issues etc. Kotaku even had a story recently on the problems in the PS3 version of FO3. The orange box also had a lot of documented issues as that version wasn't even handled by valve.

Bioshock and oblivion both came out a long time on 360 before PS3. So of course they got higher scores. The same game released later is compartively less good. Standards are raised. If Oblivion was released now on 360 it wouldn't get the same high scores it did when it was released ages ago.

Devil may cry 4, what differences were there exactly? The PS3 had slighty shorter load times? After a lengthy install. Seems fair enough they got equal scores. I don't think shortening the installs through the game for a long pre game install is worth an extra .1 of a score.

I do agree though that it seemed they gave these games the same score on purpose. The review of GoW2 basically only has 2 negatives. He thought some voice work was slightly cheesy and there was a tiny bit of lag. I would say the lag isn't going to be an issue when the games released. Epic aren't exactly known for their bad online play. The review read like it was going to be up near 9.8 or so.

Turkish says and I'm allowed to quote that: Uncharted 3 and God Of War 3 look better than Unreal Engine 4 games will or the tech demo does. Also the Naughty Dog PS3 ENGINE PLAYS better than the UE4 ENGINE.