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Ok Gamerace, I know you not to be a fanboy, so I know you're not making a flamebait thread. Your points on Wii Music do make sense, and sure, Nintendo's first party stuff isnt strong for the holiday season, tho Animal Crossing does have a large following. That said, the Wii will be relying on a few specific titles - the news Tales game, GHWT and COD5. Sure, there will be others that might do well, but those are going to be key titles.

The point about MS and Sony calling the Wii a fad doesn't apply anymore. We are approaching the Wii's 3rd birthday and it's been the top selling system for 2 years now. Fads last alot shorter time than that. MS already conceeded the war to Nintendo. They aren't even trying to compete, Sony also knows that its too late to challenge Nintendo's dominance this gen, so they are also fighting for the #2 spot. I think that either MS or Sony would see a Wii slowdown as an ominous sign of the market slowing down entirely.