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Agree in terms that's kinda not as accessible as it should be, as long as I'm reading user reviews - only musicians (either professional or amateur) enjoy this game in a full scale. I didn't, 'cos I'm not musician in any way. I hardly able to control what's going on - can't see (or actually hear) results of my actions during gameplay when trying to conduct anything. But sometimes I can... when moving chaotic I'm finally able to hear... a total cacophony instead of harmony. I think I should improve my skills of a musician to get this game, hope to give it one more try...

I like the idea of music game (NOT overused idea of rhythm games like GH or RB, which are pretty much the same, and I'm sick and tired of them), when you actually arrange a melody. But Wii Music is much of a hardcore expirence in music than Guitar Hero and Rock Band, which are purely casual games. No, Wii Music ain't fun for me.

//But still Wii Music is far from commercial failure.