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steven787 said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:

If you're Libertarian, aren't you as liberal as me on the social scale?  How is that not pathetic?

I'll like other states when they do something cool, but right now California is our capital for film, music, and technology.


See, this is what I don't get.  Why am I the only ex-Libertarian or Libertarian who votes dem.  You can vote away your economic freedoms and then bitch and complain to get them back but it's a lot harder to get your civil liberties back.


Two reasons. One is while I want abortion to be legal, gay marriage, legalizing drugs... all that stuff... in the end, none of that effects me directly. I am not gay, will never have an abortion, and don't do drugs (not illegal ones anyway).

And the other reason is if I did want to do those things, the government is very bad at stopping me. Abortion is legal, Drugs anyone can get, and if I was gay, I am sure 90% of my lifestyle would be permitted.

The government however is extremely good at taking away my economic freedoms. You don't pay your taxes, and they will find you.

So I vote for the freedoms that the government sucks at taking away. if a Libertarian had a snow balls chance in hell of wining, I would vote for him or her. The closest thing we had was Ron Paul, and look how that turned out.