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I love the thought of Play on Wii. All my Gamecube games were stolen, so I have pretty much no GC games (only SMS and SSBM). I'm also the kind who loves replaying games, and I really want to play Wind Waker again, as I barely remember it. I also want Pikmin 2, and possibly Metroid Prime, as I never played those two, but I played MP3 and Pikmin 1. I didn't fall completely for any of those two, but MP1 and Pikmin 2 are both said to be better. I'm also a huge tennis fan, and I'd love to try Mario Tennis with Wii controls.


I honestly see no problem in the Play on Wii games.

- They're awesome for people who didn't own a Gamecube

- They're awesome for people who live in countries that have overpriced games and/or close to no used games stores and in an area were almost no online sites will ship used games. I myself have that problem, and would need to pay 50 euros or more for Pikmin 2 and tWW.

- Great for replaying games.



- None really. Well, you could say that some people won't purchase them as they already own the game, but that gets kind of stupid. And it isn't like this stops Nintendo from making their other games, as adding Wiimote controls cannot take that long.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS