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Sky Render said:
Look, if you don't want to admit that the incumbent industry is in a downward spiral, fine. It's the attitude that pretty much every overly invested person takes when an industry disruption or crash occurs, after all. I have more than a little suspicion that you do gain some sort of incentive for talking up the incumbent industry that extends beyond just personal satisfaction, but that's neither here nor there. I'm not going to waste my time trying to explain to you why cherry-picking with a handful of games (instead of looking at this thing we call "the big picture") is pointless, because you've made it abundantly clear that cherry picking is what you love best.

Don't bother replying to this. We cannot possibly discuss the matter further, because neither of us is going to budge on our viewpoints.

Code: I wanna poo.

Btw I gave you data from a full quarter this year. Q1 (2008/Q4 financial year) And I also gave you data from a month in august 2007.

Since I selected every game thats hardly cherry picking.


