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steven787 said:
Paul said:
TheRealMafoo said:
steven787 said:
TheRealMafoo said:

It's not about the money, it's about there liberties. Basically, you feel they don't need all that money, so it's OK to take it from them.

That should be illegal in this country.

Taxing the rich more to pay a larger percentage of the bills is ok, taxing then just because people think the poor should get some of it, isn't.

See that bolded part.  Ok...

Responding to your post:  Graduated taxes are not there because they can pay more.  Graduated taxes are there because wealthy people gain more from a stable government.  If you're poor, you'll be poor no matter what (even if the gov't pays for your healthcare or cuts a welfare check).  If you're rich then you have more to gain by keeping the gov't afloat and the masses pacified.

I really do not see what is so complicated.


Why do we care so much about the poor again?

We live in a country where anyone can go to school, get a job, and be successful. Some people took that road (and trust me, it's a lot harder then not), and we don't seem to give a shit about them. Others decided College was just to much work (and don't go with the "cant afford it" bullshit. In some states you can live off of grant money from going to school).

Why again are we so worried about how those that don't take care of themselves live, and so little about the ones that did all the right things in there lives?

I want someone on this site who is poor and lives in the US, to explain to me why they had no other option to improve there income.

I get tired of worrying about those that did not worry about themselves. You want more money, go fucking earn it like the rest of us.

What about the mentally retarded? Is it ok for the government to redistribute some wealth to support programs for them or should they just go fuck themselves?



As much as I agree with your sentiment, this argument is tired.  It's just as bad as Republicans calling Democrats socialists... Besides, we all know what the far right would do to "unfit" eaters.

I just find it funny that he seems to live in a black and white world where poor people are poor because they are lazy and rich people are rich because they worked for it. It seems like a lot of people find it easier to divide people into groups that fit their view rather than actually trying to understand them.