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nexzen said:
swearitsoul said:
BOTH consoles have the same amount of games. But a wide library of games on the 360 still cheaper.
BOTH have same graphics on HD, Still a 360 advantage on multiplats - even Mirrors Edge gives a higher frame rate/AA on the 360 and thats PS3 lead.
BOTH in the long run cost the same (If you pay for Live forever it adds up to the PS3)

PS3 has Blu-ray But you pay extra for disks.
Xbox 360 has DVD

PS3 = free online
Xbox 360 = Not free online and better.

PS3 = Home
Xbox 360 = XLE (Xbox Live Experience)

PS3 = Playstation Store
Xbox 360 = Xbox Live Marketplace

PS3 = silent
Xbox 360 = Hoover NXE (Silent)

PS3 Models include: 80GB + 160 GB
Xbox 360 Models include: 256MB + 60GB + 120GB

Hardware Compatibilites:
PS3 = PSP- Able to use as a controller also able to play games via PSP anywhere in the world using the PSP
Xbox 360 = Backwards compatible to Xbox 1 (over 200 titles)

Popular Technical Faults:
PS3 = N/A
Xbox 360 = RROD (Red Ring of Death) Fault on older 360s

Console Currency:
PS3 = Money (e.g £s, $,s etc)
Xbox 360 = Microsoft Points

this mans got the best post, everything down to facts and the ps3 although the most expensive has the best value overall.



