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DMeisterJ said:
Kasz216 said:
DMeisterJ said:
starcraft said:
Come now DMJ. It is common knowledge that Sony makes a TONNE on PSP hardware. Thats why they keep pushing the system even with the abysmal software rates. It's bringing in huge profit for them.

Whilst I'm sure Sony clears plenty on each PS2, I agree that software has dropped off massively. But basically the only place Sony is LOSING money is PS3 hardware. And the loss must be enormous.

I'm not sure where this "common knowledge" is.  I said it's reasonably possible that they are (or aren't) making money on Hardware.  It's never been spoken about whether or not they are.  It could be easy to assume that they are, and it could be easy to assume they aren't.  Or they could just be breaking even.  There hasn't been any news either way.  I'm not saying they are or aren't, but we can't go around in life assuming things.  We do know they are selling PS2 at a profit and PS3 at a loss, as there are numerous stories and posts on sites about that, but PSP goes largely un-noticed.

Why would they go through the trouble of redesigning and adding more expensive features onto a product that wasn't making them money?

The PSP-3000 wouldn't exist if the PSP didn't make them profit.

I woudlnt say it was bringing a ton of profit.  However i would think at worst they are making some profit per PSP.

I'm not saying that PSP is not making profit, but using the fact that they re-designed it as a reason that they are isn't that good.  This is Sony.  They've made plenty of stupid mistakes regarding the PSP, and still are.  The complete and utter lack of compelling software being the one thing.  Also the complete ignorance of the usefulness of the PS store to bring media to the PSP is merely a trailer store.  Capped off with the inane pricing of the system and games, compared to the DS, and they may just be making hardware revisions hoping for some Nintendo DS-Lite-esque craziness where a few ounces shaved and a brighter screen catapulted sales.

Look at it this way.  When a piece of hardware is losing money?  What's the standard MO?  To add features?

No, infact it's the opposite.  To remove features.  Look at the PS3.

Afterall they're just finally getting around to trying to stop piracy recently... if they needed PSP games to make up hardware losses they would of worried about it quicker... rather then wait for the system to get on it's own feat without needing the hackability of it to push it out the door.