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IIRC heres some interesting pieces of info about the P3 and Xbox architectures.

1. The Xbox CPU also included a pair of vertex units.
2. The P3 was clock for clock a better architecture than the P4 and was the basis for the highly successful Centrino 1 and Core architectures. *At the time if you put a centrino processor into a desktop system and overclocked the bejesus out of it to hit normal desktop TDPs it whalloped the P4 of the day.*

One thing to consider about graphics between the Wii/Xbox 1.

The Xbox 1 had an incredibly powerful GPU in its day and it was based on the direct 3d standard. AFAIK, the Wii uses something more proprietary and therefore cannot benifit from the advances in the software stack Microsoft has made over the last 5-6 years.

Perhaps there are differences, but they aren't so marked as to pin one as substantially better than the other to the degree that is being implied.
