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Alright, so the Ricoh 2A03 is pretty impressive for an 8-bit processor and is probably one of the best of its kind, but that's totally not the point. It's a generation behind compared to the MOS 6510 or the Motorola 68k. How can the NES possibly hope to compete when it's so very outdated compared to the Commodore 64 and Amiga? No developer is going to look at that little gray box and think, "yep, that's the console to go with". It's just ridiculously weak compared to its competitors! This Nintendo "fad" will be over any day now, just watch. All the Amiga and Commodore 64 need is a few more killer apps, and it'll be the end of the NES.

Oh wait, it's 2008, not 1987! Remarkable how hard it is to tell, what with the same arguments being made in a slightly newer context. My bad. Though I seem to have made a bit of a point here, haven't I? Funny, that.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.