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Sales Discussion - I'm sad. - View Post

DOATS1 said:
starcraft said:
blackstar said:
u want a ps3 , u want one


I mean did you see the Heavy Rain public demo?  Or that FFXIII Versus CGI trailer with the swords?

GoW3 and Uncharted are just gravy after those two games.

White Knight Chronicles looks great too.

only problem with the ps360 combo is that depending on your preference, you're only going to play one console for it's exclusives while the preferred console get's all the multi-plats aswell. seeing as the ps3 is likely to be the former for you, do you really think it's worth the price tag for the amount of time you're likely to put into it?

Now? No.

But at $AU500, early next year in a slow games period for the Wii and Xbox 360?

Adding in Blu-Ray for our (admittedely small) HDTV?


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS