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Ok, the PS3 review is made for PS3 owners who want to know whether to buy this or not, the Wii review is the same for the Wii owners. This is the main purpose of reviews, am I correct?
Now Wii owners arent really going to give a shit about whether their version looks worse than the PS3 version, it doesnt matter to them. What does matter is how it looks in comparison to other Wii games on the market. Thus it gets a graphics score relative to other Wii games on the market.
Same thing for the PS3, they dont want their graphics compared to the graphics of the Wii in reviews, they want to know whether it looks good for a PS3 game.

For example a PS3 game with shitty graphics for a PS3 game shouldnt get a 9.0/10.0 'Because its better than Wii graphics', nor a Wii game be marked down to a 5.0/10.0 'Because it doesnt look as good as a PS3 game'. The games should be and are marked relative to the other games on the console they are made on.

@Diomedes. If a game from last year was released this year it would score much lower, gaming moves on.