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PC Discussion - Try Linux - View Post

Soleron said:
twesterm said:
I tried it years ago, hated it, not going back.

Why can I still think that? I'm sure you still have opinions of Windows based off of absolutely nothing. Thank you, but I like being able to run all the programs I want to run without having to jump through 100 hoops.

And yeah, I'm pretty sick of Linux dorks that keep telling me to try Linux. They annoy me more than Tyra.

I run both Vista and Ubuntu every day. Vista is the one I'm having to jump through hoops for. Windows Update has destroyed my computer twice. My files keep disappearing. I can't print over the network because the wizard keeps freezing. My wireless driver keeps cutting out. Linux? I have none of these problems now. I've just installed Intrepid, and I have had zero problems. There was nothing there that would confuse anyone who has a clue what a computer is.

If you still don't like Linux after trying it, that's fine and I respect your opinion, but this topic is aimed at helping those people who do want to try it. "Years" is a long time in the Linux world (it's come forward so much in the 1.5 years I've used it) so don't let your opinions colour new users' ones.


I find this very confusing... as a network tech myself I've never had any of these problems on Vista at all... but every Linux user will talk about how shitty Windows is.... I like Linux it has some very cool things going on , but it's not a OS for users.  The one benefit to Linux is that it can run on a much lower spec system just as fast as Vista can on a much higher spec system.  However much of the problems that some have had with Linux has been solved with the latest kernals so it wouldn't hurt for them to give it a try.... VirtualPC is free after all.