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Holy shit this game is FAR better than I expected it to be! The graphics are MUCH better than I thought they'd be, and it's been a blast to play so far.

The game looks just like this trailer:

The part at 0:58 with the ships flying above San Fransisco? I was just playing that level! With 30-40 NPCs running around with me at any given point in time! It was so cool moving about the level, and looking at the ships slowly moving overhead from different angles. The texture work in this game is also surprisingly good.  Considering how large the scale of the game is, it's particularly impressive.  The textures are Uncharted-like at times!  It makes me wonder how good the textures will be in the final build of Killzone 2.  ^_^

My only complaint is that your weapons seem to have no recoil whatsoever.

Oh beta, why did you make me doubt. The 9.5 from IGN is right on the mark, from what I've played so far.