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akuma587 said:
Username2324 said:
An Obama Nation is an Obomination.

You heard it here first.

P.S. Yes I know it's spelled with an A

That's cute. You come up with that all by yourself?



HUR theres nuthin cute about a black Muslin anit-american anitchrist who palls around with terurists and won't even support his own illegal immigrant grandmother. His pastor is pretty bad too. And I hear he's not even a citizen- there are multiple lawsuits, and those are SO hard to make that it has to be true that he is really a Kenyan terrorist who wants to destroy America and at the same time is also the antichrist who wants to turn the world into one world and then bring it under darkness. It all makes sense.

Also, we invaded Iraq purely out of the goodness of our hearts to save their country. It would be best if Bush could run for 4 more years, but hes not allowed becuase Clinton wasn't allowed so it wouldn't be fair.