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jjseth said:
Bush was an absolutely horrible president and many of our problems today go back to his policies. I would not only say no to another Bush term, but HELLLLLL NO to it.

If Clinton was able to run again in 2000, its highly likely that he would have beat Bush as well. Gore did everything to lose the election when he should have easily won it, but he was stiff, forced the kiss on his wife that disgusted many and did n't come off well to the regular person.

But Obama vs Bush would be very easy for me. I voted in 2000 and 2004 against Bush... This year for the first time since 1996 I'm actually Voting FOR someone I like.

To those supporting McCain this year. Do you consider yourself a typical Republican? Or are you a Fundie or Neocon? Did McCain really excite you back before the primaries started? Are you voting for McCain or just for the Republican?

McCain isnot your typical republican and we all know that. However he's pretended to be more like one just for this election. If he were to win, would he revert to his 2000 self? Or would he be the Bush lapdog of the past few years?


I have no idea what I am, but I am voting for McCain. My first time voting as well. I don't really like McCain, I think Palin is incompetent, and I find Obama quite likeable. However, I strongly disagree with Obamas economic policy. McCains plan isn't all that great, but its better than Obama's in my opinion. McCains stance on education+Iraq war (we will remain as a permanany force... >.<) and his possibility of dying worries me, but since we are in a recession I have to vote with my Wallet. I just wish McCain was willing to reform education the way Obama is. I don't know that throwing more money at 1-5 year olds will help, but merit based pay for teachers and giving $4000 a year to high school graudates to help pay for college/ encourage community college will almost definatly help our society.