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Wow surprised this thread is still here....

Anyways, just got up and had a chance to look at the new vids, from the sounds of it they really really took their sweet time in putting them out!

The first vid, I completely agree felt a bit disjointed and I got the impression that it was like a scan cutscene as well.  I don't know if that is going to be the case in the game but it definitely felt like that was the impression they were trying to give. I am wondering if it might be a precursor video for the game...sort of like a mission briefing video..or at least a clip from it.

The second video, wow, where do you start?  This one was short and sweet, I really like how they showed several of the morph ball's abilities in the video, specifically the seemingly endless jumps =P  The spiderball track itself was pretty awesome and whoever was controlling it definitely had the hang of things, but I have a feeling that is not even going to be in the top 5 of morph ball challenges in the game.  I am really hoping for another spider guardian type of fight, not necessarily the same setup but just a boss that you fight completely in that sidescroll mode.  It really gives a nice retro feel, and I think it was one of the more interesting boss battles from Prime 2.


To Each Man, Responsibility