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@ Paul_Warren, a very detailed description, but when quoting only one source (IGN) exteremly biased. No statitical basis can be formed from 1 opinion/review. That is why there are sites like and, that takes the average from 100's of sites and compiles a score. The bias then gets removed and we get a 'general concensus' of the 'quality' of the game. At the end the individual person/gamer will have thier own opinion as well.

That being said, there are >350 games on the xbox 360. PS3 barely hits 155.
21 games have the AAA title on the Xbox (89.5% or better rounded up mathematically = 90%) vs 8 for PS3. At the end I am one to believe that 2-3 percent is in the realm of error thus 50 games have a score 85% or better on Xbox vs 31 for PS3. 174 Xbox games have a score 75% or better vs 90 on PS3 (from gamerrankings).

There is much more variety of games on the Xbox from RPG's to JRPG's to RTS (there are at least 6-7 (command and conquer, kanes wrath, red allert 3, supreme commander, universe at war, lord of the rings, warhammer, and the soon to be king Halo wars) ? none on the PS3?? Not every game has to be AAA, but there is so much variety and choice on the Xbox that it fits everyones needs (for example, Chromehounds is considered perhaps the 'best' squad based game on Xbox by many, and after 3 years still is going strong). Similarly, there are so many racing games on the Xbox (did you know that there are 33 so far, including PGR3-PGR4-Burout revenge, Forza 2, NFS:MW, test drive and a few other AAA or near AAA games that are exclusive?) to what Motostorm 1-2 and a fancy demo in GT5 that is excluisve to PS3? by the time the real GT5 comes out the next Forza will be already out.

At the end it is not about a few games here or there, it is about the overall library and the quality of that library as it stands now, not in vaporware or promises for the future. The game library of AAA (or nearly AAA games) for BOTH systems is so good already, that if one just played those games, one would not have need for any new games till the next generation systems come out. Picking apart specific games on each console is for the most part useless as the differences are so small anyways. If one score a 85 --> 100 in college, you would get an A and grade point of 4/4. They do this because there is inherant varience from place to place, and a range is more accurate than a specific number (some places give A for 85-89, and A+ for 90-100, with GP 3.9 for A and 4.0 for A+ just to make the point of distinction and try to encourage excellence).