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Preface: If your not going to watch the video and remark with talking points made by haters who have yet to understand how the game works, please see yourself to the back button in the upper left hand corner.


Link to video -


Its been two and a half years since the initial casting video, and all we have to show for it is a trailer.  That is, until, TODAY.


After seeing this video, one thing is for certain: Heavy Rain is the one of the defacto ground breaking, innovative, and cinematic experiences to ever herald the software space.


  We've heard glowing previews of Quantic Dream's PS3 exclusive Heavy Rain- and the fact that remains, most people have unanswered questions. 

This thirty minute presentation is not even in the final game, its just a set piece to show off how the game will play.  This is truly ground breaking shit right here folks.    We know NOTHING about the real story in the game.


Ladies and Gentelman, THIS IS LIVING.


Only on Playstation 3.


Console Agnostic since 2001.