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From the Land of the Penis (Florida), I say: "California is the land of Fruits and Nuts."

Rubang gets so mad when I say that.


Wait, this is the Economist thread?

BTW, nobody who makes 250k a year has to struggle... unless they are living beyond their means... then why should I feel bad for them?

This year, (remember I gave myself a demotion) I will probably make less than $20k. I have a two bedroom apartment by myself, a $400 car payment for a new car I bought 2 years ago, and all the other normal bills. I have no problems paying my bills. (though I spent a little too much last night on Halloween stuff... by stuff I mean alcohol.)

I could probably swing a kid into my budget, it would kill my ability to save but they would eat and have clothes and health care.

Okay on to the point. What is all this I hear about people making $250k struggling. What bizzaro world is this. If my ex can live in SoCal on $11/hour, why can't they make it on $120/hour?

I'm not going on the tax argument here. I'm just saying, if you really know anyone on that income who is struggling, suggest counseling. There is nothing healthy about BLOWing that much money.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.