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Oh yeah, John King is good too. Larry King is funny, every time John King is on the show, Larry says, in the happy old-man-amazed-by-technology voice, something to the effect of: "Oh, I love your map, and no body can make it do those things quite like you, John King"

OK, on to the conspiracy argument:

Actually it is you who obviously is oblivious to the world around you because most people with common sense know (minus the ones follow the mainstream news like the bible) That govermnets and politicians are trying to usher in a World Governence over Economies, Currencies,ect. I provided you with facts, its as simple as that, things quoted from Elite (it was cited in Rockefellars own book), video footage of Politicians calling for World governance and still your make attempt to make an obsolete argument against it

This is what give's away the craziness. You keep saying global or world governance.

International government is of a different nature than sovereign nation-states. From the Peace of Westphalia (which was written by illuminati) through today, international government is all right there, in the open for everyone to read. International government is just a series of treaties (some of which set up organizations) that formalize the relations between countries. So, whether or not it's some secret plot doesn't really matter; international government is weak unless sovereign entities agree to let it not be weak. In the end they are still sovereign nations, most of the time they can ignore previous participation and it won't start a war.

(This has been a overly simplified explanation of international law and government, I could be more accurate but it would just be too much to write for free.)

Non of it is theory, it's called using your brain. Reading what these people are saying and taking it for what it is. Not making a hundred different excuses on how they meant this or that when it's clear by the actions and policies that they are doing what is said. When a group like the Club Of Rome puts out a "Roadmap To Ten Regions" and you see some of there plans already unfolding's a link for that mind you they use biblical references(Which is the main reason I beleive most of this stuff because it has been prophecised in scripture)

These secret organizations sure say a lot... and they have a nice website.
It's a think tank.
Just like: which is way scarier.

There's a bunch of them (Secret Societies and think tanks), they are all bitching and moaning to get someone to listen, nd they don't all agree.
Okay, this is how all government works, whether local, sovereign or international:

Somebody has an Idea. The idea is developed and implemented. If it works, it stays. If it doesn't work, it changes.

I don't see how what you're describing is any different than that. It was thought up while burning an effigy? Government is about the powers to keep us from killing one another and function a little better as a team. This is why they say, "the pen is mightier than the sword." The question is, "does it work". (Cookie for whoever gets the reference... no Google.)

The Club of Rome thing is a bad choice for an example of subversive private groups, they PUBLISH ideas.

Because they used "ten" people link this to the Revelations, the ten-horned beast is suddenly a symbol for the ten regions. Please, and you get upset because I brought up aliens?

"But I didn't bring up the Apocalypse"

Then what is the problem with the plan? Do you know anything about it? What's bad about it?

I'm assuming it will be something along the lines of: "It will take away sovereignty and elected representation." Which is a valid complaint. But how is it secret or subversive. I went onto my library database and found 450,000 articles talking about the problems associated with the nation-state system evolving into a global system. (BTW the cause is actually "bottom-up", normal people are going online interacting, trading, and coexisting. A global system isn't on the way, it's already here and it has nothing to do with owls that have the voice of Walter Cronkite.)

If a secret organization is doing all of this, keeping us from killing each other, and I get a 42" TV and a good meal, I have to ask, "So what?"

Most of the world population is eating and not fighting.

If that is the work of secret organizations, then you should be thanking them.

Those good ol' boys can have a couple runaway teens per year.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.