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ZenfoldorVGI said:
You can buy, prebuilt, a computer with Vista pro, a dual core amd(2x 3ghz processors, equivelant), a Radeon HD 3000+ PCI 2.0 16x, 3gbs of ram, 300gb hd, DVD burner/drive, mouse, keyboard, speakers, and modable case with a sick cooling system built in for 450 dollars plus shipping, off newegg.

It'll play anything, even crysis on medium settings, and if you wanna upgrade the power supply and graphics card, it'll play anything on very high settings for about the next 2 years.

Someone has a crystal ball. lol

But sure, for the sake of argument, it's safe to say it will be compatible with future PCIe2.0x16 cards to be released in the future to keep pace with the most hardware intensive games.

It's been a full year since Crysis was released and quad Crossfire (4870x2)/3x SLI (GTX280/260core216) are about the only video set ups that could be considered fully playable at 2560x1600 resolution with max settings.

Most users (not interested in building/tinkering) are better of picking up an inexpensive pre-config system and adding the appropriate video card later to match the gaming performance they want. Less headache, more playing, unless your idea of play is tinkering with hardware and system settings rather than gaming or even just having a computer that works.