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Tell her about the only thing you would be salvaging from an 8 year old computer would be the case, keyboard/mouse and possibly the PSU if you were doing a very light gaming machine build (Dell likely has less than a 400watt PSU). In other words, you wouldn't be saving any money by re-using components.

If you have your XP installer disc, that's one other thing you can re-use. If not, you'll have to salvage your slow (by today's standards) hard drive as well until you can transfer it to another drive.

I don't know how extensive you want to go with a build/upgrade and you may well be better off just buying another preconfig system (when you find a good deal on a good configuration). You can buy a very nicely configured pre-built for very little currently. There are plenty of good video cards in the $100 range as well to add to your pre-built if you need more performance for hardware intensive games.

If you're interested in building a new gaming computer from scratch, there are people here who can help you out.

Budget is a good start in determining the best build for your dollar. People can help with the sourcing as well (best price for best components with available funds).

Any initial questions, feel free to ask.