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twesterm said:

I'm going to go with the Game Gear.

The Dreamcast comes in a close 2nd, I still have no idea why people are so in love with that thing.


Oh, well I loved the Game Gear, but man the battery life on that thing was absolutely horrendous.  Unless you kept it plugged into the cigarette lighter or wall, it really didn't last very long... it actually was one of those rare handhelds that while totally innovative in some many ways, the developers forgot a really big piece of it.... duh, it's a handheld, it needs to have at least a decent battery life.

Anyway, as for the Dreamcast, it wasn't HORRIBLE, but people lift it up to the pinnacle of greatness because of the 2Pac syndrome.  When it was alive, people didn't really care for it too much.. but when it was the final bullet in Sega's console division, it was lifted to martyr's status.  Had Sega tried again with another console, the Dreamcast would have been a speckle on the history of the video game industry.  But because it was the final death blow to Sega, it gets treated like the greatest thing of all time (you know, kind of like the alcoholic wife-beating uncle who died too early... in life he was a jerk that no one liked, but when he died everyone sobbed over him as if he were the most caring & loving human being who had ever lived)...


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XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2
