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BengaBenga said:
drkohler said:

A)  It's quite clear that the PS3 will never be able to earn back the money that has been invested in it...

B)  They got cancelled after the Sony board openly worried SCE's situation. Also you'll see less new projects, simply because they're short on money. Sony won't put significant recources into SCE anymore.

C) The cumulative losses are absolutely enormous. How else would you call the fact that the PS3 has made more loss right now than the PS2 ever made Sony?

D) We can also learn that the PS3 is clearly not close to breaking even, since both PSP and PS2 should make SCE a lot of money. If you still end up with a loss it's quite reasonable to assume that the 3rd console loses money.

<large rant canceled of why I know _a lot_ more about how large corporations work than you do>

Here are just a few points to correct your very strange ideas:

A) You just have to believe me. The mere fact that Sony is still producing PS3s is proof that your assumption is completely wrong. This project would have long been killed entirely if your ideas were true.

B) So your idea of a board meeting is that old men sit around and say: "hmm. we have to cut costs so let's kill this game and that game".. Whatever the reasons were for canceling these particular games (and if my memory does not fail they were still in early phases of the _whole_ projects), Sony still feeds its 4500 software engineers and none have been sacked as far as I know. So SCE still seems to have the same resources as before.

C) Once again, the losses are _far_ from being enourmous for an industry giant like Sony. I have no idea why you think that if gadget A made X amount of money then gadget Y must cost less than X to develop. This is such a weird idea, I really don't know what to say about that.

D) This is your biggest and worst assumption. Unfortunately this "the PS2 and PSP make tons of money" mantra is prayed by almost everybody on this site. It does not make it true, however. I can only repeat what I wrote above: None of the Sony consoles are, at this time, at a break-even point as far as production (or even manufacturing) costs go. I would even go as far as predicting that the PSP is, at this time, the loss leader as far as manufacturing is concerned (I'd have to disassemble a PSP3000 and talk with my industry contacts about that though, to be sure).

So let's summarize my points of a discussion we obviously will never agree:

1. Sony has to worry about staying profitable - big deal, everyone has to. The economy has unexpectedly increased the worries for _all_ divisions, but SCE might be the division that has to worry the least if people continue to buy consoles and games like there is no tomorrow.

2. _All_ consoles are close to profitability at this time at the manufacuring level.

3. Something went wrong in the 2nd quarter at SCE, a loss of $350m is illogical (unless some creative bookkeeping took place. Obviously a new factor has entered the picture we know nothing about).