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Shanobi said:
Sony killed the PS3 when they decided to make a system that would "last 15 years", without taking into account that people wouldn't be willing to pay ludicrous amounts of money for a system that is no more fun than their previous console.

HD, and the other bells and whistles haven't changed a single thing in the games.

Microsoft made the same mistake, but on a slightly smaller scale.

That is mostly true. However the problem lies within the gamers themselves. Living in a fast food society, they want new games every other week. And let's face it, innovative games with new twists are the rarest species in this world. So to feed the gamers, publishers have to resort to the next best thing to survive: Recycle old ideas and make them prettier to look at by throwing more powerful consoles at it. It works in a way (obviously not in Japan), but it's still recycled ideas only.