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It's far easier to blame others than to blame yourself, and to try to solve your problems by making them other peoples' problems than by actually resolving the problems.

The key to making a video game not get sold off quickly is to give it lasting value to the user, even after a successor comes along. Unfortunately, a lot of businesses get this stupid idea that a quality product which the users love will harm the sales of future products (an explanation of the irony of this belief is forthcoming). The one company that consistently tries to make products to this specification, Nintendo, also has the fewest issues with their products succumbing to resale issues.

Most companies work on the model of making what you might call "obsoleting products", or products which are guaranteed to no longer be valued by the consumer after a set time. And honestly, when you make a product by those specifications, you should expect to see a lot of used sales of the product. Meaning that, by making obsoleting products, they are in fact hurting the sales of their products (both present and future). That was, incidentally, the ironic bit of the whole matter.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.