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Jandre002 said:
Seriously...whoever thinks wars are even a weapon against terrorism is really delusional. Terrorist are willing to die anyways, and the more you kill the more the fear of America builds, the more terrorist exist.

You need to educate and use operatives to fight terrorism...many things I would think we do already. Also we can coarse those in power to do more about terrorism, but the US going to war with a country and not killing every living inhabitant will just breed more terrorism.

Its an ideology, much like being a conservative or a liberal. So you need to either convince people their opinion is wrong, or kill them all. But invasion and occupation is the LAST thing you would want to do against terrorist inhabiting a certain country.

And you need to educate yourself on Wahhabism.  Whether or not we fight them is irrelavent they will hit us hard, war or not, even subverting their Islamic identity to do so.