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Actually it is you who obviously is oblivious to the world around you because most people with common sense know (minus the ones follow the mainstream news like the bible) That govermnets and politicians are trying to usher in a World Governence over Economies, Currencies,ect. I provided you with facts, its as simple as that, things quoted from Elite (it was cited in Rockefellars own book), video footage of Politicians calling for World governance and still your make attempt to make an obsolete argument against it.

Non of it is theory, it's called using your brain. Reading what these people are saying and taking it for what it is. Not making a hundred different excuses on how they meant this or that when it's clear by the actions and policies that they are doing what is said. When a group like the Club Of Rome puts out a "Roadmap To Ten Regions" and you see some of there plans already unfolding's a link for that mind you they use biblical references(Which is the main reason I beleive most of this stuff because it has been prophecised in scripture)

" Rebellion Against Tyrants Is Obedience To God"