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That's a good question, and I'll tell you what I decided after much clamouring over the topic. I ended up buying a PS3 for a few reasons, one of them being LBP ; ) I also liked the fact that the PS3 happens to also be a top rate Blu-Ray player. Also, I was a little hesitant about purchasing an Xbox360 based on the issues a fellow friend of mine had with the infamous red rings. (5 systems went to the wayside) The biggest reason though was the games.
I happen to not really be a big fan of FPS's or sports games. Both systems have thier share of them, don't get me wrong, but it seems as though the PS3 has the edge as far as "other" games are concerned, i.e. Little Big Planet. I almost did buy a 360, but now that I possess a PS3, I'm very happy with my purchase. I will probably end up buying a 360 anyways, just so I'm not left out of any gaming goodness.

I'll think of something to put here

PSN ID: dolfan1678