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I didn't read most of the thread so what I say may have already been covered.

I have both systems and I would honestly choose the one most of your friends have. Sometimes it's cool to be the friend with something different but you will more than likely be left out of co-op & multiplayer games with your friends. I buy almost every multiplat for the 360 for the reason that I can play with others I know. An extreme case for me at least is that I even have both 360 & PC versions of Left 4 Dead reserved so I can play it with friends.

The only other consideration I would make would be the one Gebx's suggested above.

A lot of people will give you fanboy reasons to try and justify their purchase by pushing you onto their console of choice. The simple fact is to buy the system that you will enjoy with others and has the game you'll like. Nothing else much matters IMO.

Completed X360:
High Def Movie Collection