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I'm not exactly "emotionally conected" to Fallout, but I had my doubts about the game, but I'm liking it, technical problems and FPS mode aside :P VATS is really cool and the setting alone could help any game, but the "3" in the name doesn't help it.

also, the game clearly screams PORT all over the place, ranging from console like hotkeys to the number of buttons that oh so nicely fits the X360 controller (which is enabled by default if you own it, and every button reference is made with the X360 controller in mind).

keep in mind I have not played Oblivion, so I'm not the one who will say "Oblivion with guns". I'm not that far into the game (right now I'm doing the Lucy West sidequest), and I'm in no position to give a final opinion, but I think they kept a lot of cool stuff from Fallout 2, like getting every item you find, the raider's weapons/armors, caravans, etc.

and the sidequests are good, much like Fallout 2 ones, unlike a certain sci-fi "RPG".

but I'm still searching for the option to trade with every person I find..

the words above were backed by NUCLEAR WEAPONS!