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Jackson50 said:
steven787 said:

He and Gulianni were the only two that had a chance, I was seriously considering voiting for McCain until he proved that he was not a good leader. He's not true to himself, he thinks he's right all the time, and he has really bad judgement.

Obama did win my vote, but more, I think McCain will be why he will lose the election.

We'll know in a few days.

Edit: and Stof, I love you too, but not in a guy-love kinda way.


I disagree with your assessment. I think Thompson would have been a good candidate for the Republicans. 

Anyways, I foresaw this happening. After they supported the bailout a month or so ago, I had an inkling they were going to endorse Obama...or pull a Detroit News and endorse neither of the main candidates.


Actually, in the general election, I think you're right.  Thompson may have been able to do well.  But he was never going to make it through the primaries.

Like Chris Dodd and Joe Biden in the Democratic Primaries, Thompson was just another face in the crowd.  The republican party in general didn't pick McCain, they just couldn't unite behind anyone else.  Plus, the non-distributive delegates made it almost impossible for anyone but McCain to win.  They just were too divided over the other candidates.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.