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It's okay. Nirvana has bought into the conspiracy theories of Alex Jones, but I guess he hasn't finished reading all of the theories yet. I don't think he got up to the part where Jones accuses the club of being behind the disappearance of many teens over the last few decades, many of whom were homosexual. Te kidnappings, according to Jones, were for molestation and sacrifice. Also he hasn't gotten to this part either: the camp is the place where the secret Jewish leadership (you know, the ones that really run the world) pull the strings of all the foreign leaders  and sacrifice children.

Then he accuses me of "drinking the Kool Aid" because I drank a different flavor than he has. I drank the "empirical sour apple" and he drank the "compulsive kiwi".

And for some reason it's illegal for foreign leaders to be hanging out together at a resort.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.