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Nirvana_Nut85 said:

steven787 said:
Since Nirvana doesn't want to answer, I'll just assume that David Gergen doesn't eat babies.


 Your comment would make Bill O'Reilly proud! Jesus,lol, trying to make a statement that has nothing to do with the dicussion (no where does it say "they eat babies")

I went to bed after I gave my reply (was around 4:00am). First of all it isn't anti-semetic in anyway. If you look at the actual "Facts" Molech (Ba'al) was a semetic diety who was also worshipped throughout other middle eastern countries. Hell, it's in the Torah and New Testament for godsakes were god warned the people of Isreal about worshipping the caananite diety.

Also don't try using the Hiter statement because it's absolutely ridiculous.

Second of all I find it very amusing how you go and throw random things in like Aliens which have nothing to do with the subject to try and discredit it, if you actually listened to some of Alex's stuff he never goes on about aliens or any crap like that. Plus he always uses alot of mainstream articles as references or statements made by those "High Level Politicians, Elite,ect"

I'm also going to assume that you don't believe that most of these people are pushing for world governence and a world currency either. Hell I bet you could watch the sppech where H.W gave a speech on "The New World Order" or where recently all these high level politicians have been calling for world governance (EU chief Barossa, French President Sarkozy) or hell why don't you look up the Peace and Properity Act, details for a North American Union.

I mean you can call it conspiracy theories all you want but if you take a look at document out by enntities like the CFR, Trilateral Commission, Elite memebers of Society like David Rockefellar or Widely known people in politics like Henry Kissinger maybe you'll wake up to reality instead of being brainwashed by CNN or Fox News.


You don't seem to know very much about Bohemian Grove (the conspiracy or the actual place).  You keep thinking I do not know, which is funny;  I do not talk or wirte if I do not know.  If I am wrong, back it up with a viable primary source or a excellent secondary source and I will admit it.  I have before, I'm sure I'll have oppurtunities to do it again in the future.

This is a story about a guy who Alex Jones's video and radio show inspired to go attack the resort; he was there because he wanted to stop the child molestation and human sacrifices:

Here's a story pointing out all the executions in photos:

My favorite one is where they point out that the 100 year old photo, with a bunch of random people, is of a bohemian grove execution of a "black child or midget"

Notice they put mock in quotes.  It's mock sacrifice or "sacrifice" to imply an alternative meaning than the sentecne structure and popular definition would imply; the adjective mock makes the quotes unnecessary.  Since they put the quotes around the "mock", I am forced to assume they are implying that they aren't really mock sacrifices.

Here's a complete recount of most of the conspiracy theory.


The New World Ordar comment by Bush is taken out of context, all the time; it's not just you.  It was about the formation of new relationships in a post bipolar world. 

The full H.W. quotes, actually from two totally different speeches: "Out of these troubled times, our objective, a new world order can emerge.  Today, that new world is struggling to be born, a world quite different from the one we have known."

"What is at stake is more than one small country, it is a big idea - a new world achieve the universal aspirations of mankind...based on shared principles and the rule of law...The illumination of a thousand points of light...The winds of change are with us now."

In simple terms, he was saying: Now that the Cold War is over, it's no longer an "us versus them" world.  We have a new world where many small countries will have to deal with one another, but we have oppurtunity in this new risky world.

The eerie part isn't the use of the term NWO, it's that the first speech was on 9-11-1990.  Ooooh... Halloween spooky noise.

I brought up aliens because it's just as ridiculous.

You so badly want to see something, that you don't want to look things up for yourself.  You hear, "Bush was talking about a 'New World Order'" on your AM radio show and you believe it.  You reinforce your belief by reading books written and going to websites by other people who want to believe (at best) or people who want to make money off of your appetite for conspiracy (more likely).


BTW, I think it is pretty likely that a century ago they were doing real sacrifices; I'm not saying they did, but it is possible.  But that's besides the point.  The issue at hand was David Gergen's reaction,  like I said before:  It is a private place, they were not doing anything illegal, he violated their trust.  I probably wouldn't have handled it as well as David Gergen did.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.