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Stan85 said:

Now let`s focus on games...
360 has Halo 3,Halo 3 Recon,PGR4,Forza 2 and soon 3,Ninja Gaiden 2,Ninja Blade,Fable 2,Gears of War 2,Halo Wars,Alan Wake,Banjo 3 and Viva Piniata 1 and 2 and we will see more games soon.

TROLL! You forgot: Splinter Cell, Tales of Vesperia, LO, Blue Dragon, Gears of War 1, Left 4 Dead, Red Alert 3, Portal, Braid, Castle Crashers, Duke 3d, Mass Effect 1/2, Condemned 1, Fallout 3 plays much better and so does Orange Box, Kameo, Last Remnant.


